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About this book
The book STRENGTHEN YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH, addressed key controversial Roman Catholic teachings and questions. For instance, how is it that people pray to the Virgin Mary from different parts of the world at same time, and yet she hears them all and attends to the needs of each devotee without mistakes? She is not omnipresent like God: so how does she manage to hear the prayers of the needy praying at different times from different places?
How can one prove convincingly from the Holy Bible that Mary had no other child after the birth of Jesus even when the Holy Bible termed some men as brothers of Jesus?
Why call Mary, the Mother of God? How could she have given birth to God? What did the Bible say about such?
Prove to me, from the scriptures, that catholic image worship is not idolatry.
How can you convince a complete novice with the Holy Bible, that Purgatory exists?
These and many more were convincingly explained and no explanation was done without strong scriptural proof. The beauty of this book is that it was carefully made easy to understand, scriptural, and above all, detailed questions that usually accompany each topic were singled out and answered.
The Apologetics in this book exposes some of the key reasons many souls jump from one Christian denomination to another, especially from the Roman Catholic Church to Protestant denominations. It further explains certain doctrines to the confused Catholic, no matter the level of confusion and helps him to STRENGTHEN his faith on fertile and solid ground.
The author's experience over the years reveals that about 70% of people that abandoned the true Roman Catholic Faith, started with doubts on the fundamentals of their faith. Some developed doubts by listening to uninformed TV Pastors, Public or Town square morning and evening criers/preachers, and arguments from weak or angry Christian friends who have personal grudges against the Catholic Church or reading one-sided Protestant books that directly attack the foundation of their faith.
The usual points of doubt come from Catholic teachings on the Virgin Mary, Purgatory, and use of statues and images in Roman Catholic worship. Although there are other points of argument, like the issue of Infant Baptism, Papal Infallibility and the Holy Eucharist, the first three mentioned are the starting points from which millions of Catholics make their first steps of departure from the Roman Catholic Church. The common factor which galvanizes every other argument against the Catholic faith is Sola Scriptura which is the 'Bible alone syndrome'.
'Bible alone syndrome' develops when a soul, unguided, studies the Holy Bible, seeking clear definition of all articles of the Roman Catholic faith, word for word or verbatim from the Holy Bible. This book identifies the points of doubt in the minds of Protestants against some Catholic doctrines and gives scripture-centric answers which clearly support Catholic definitions on such points.
The author has done several TV and Radio programs on the Catholic faith and this has led to conversion of souls and strengthening of the faith of fallen Catholics. His experience over the years of encounter with protestants, weak/strong Catholics as well as non-Christians formed the foundation of his work. This book challenges Christians to read the Holy Scripture, not each section in isolation from the others but in relation to other events and in line with authentic interpretations of the Church who made the Holy Bible compilations.
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